Katrina: suicide alley
The President today met with new homeowners in New Orleans and boasts how the administratin’s $16.7 billion in federal funds prove it is “meeting housing needs.”
And in other news, Bill Buckner rates his fielding in the first nine innings of Game 6 of the 1986 World Series as “excellent.”
The President today pays tribune to the Katrina experience as a testament to Americans’ charitable impulses, boasting that the “number of volunteers in the second year of Katrina recovery exceeded the historic number of volunteers in the recovery’s first year.”
And in other news, the eight percent of New Orleansians who have contemplated suicide and the 21 percent of Gulf Coast residents showing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder wonder whether charity is quite enough.
The Harvard Medical School professor who documented these numbers said “said most disasters have relatively rapid recoveries, so rates for such ailments as depression and PTSD usually improve after a year.” The number of Gulf Coast residents considering suicide, on the other hand, has more than doubled since six months after the storm.
More volunteers: that ought to do the trick.