Medicare for All — And Shared Economic Security
Health care is a right, not a privilege. And that requires moving to a Medicare for All universal public health care system. Our fight to defend Obamacare from Trump and his allies is a crucial first step to a promise of quality health care for everyone. In addition, America needs a more robust social insurance system.Every worker deserves a secure retirement— and we will work to create new pension systems, while we secure Social Security by “lifting the cap” that now exempts wealthy people from paying their fair share of Social Security taxes. We will strengthen and expand America’s shared security programs — Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment, food support and housing assistance. No one in America should go hungry or homeless. Greater shared security makes the economy more robust by making our society more fair – and giving all people the confidence that comes from solidarity.
- New Reuters-Ipsos survey shows that 70 of Americans support ‘Medicare for All’
- In 2017 Lake Research poll, “almost three-quarters of voters surveyed…supported Medicare for All.”
- 2017 Gallup poll: 58% of US supports replacing ACA with fed-funded healthcare system
- Among Democrats, three-quarters or more of those in all educational and income groups both approve of the Affordable Care Act and say ensuring health care coverage is a government responsibility. (PEW, 2017)
- Nine out of ten voters say that “health-care costs are out of control,” and 73% agree with that strongly. (Greenberg Research 2018)
- While the future of the Affordable Care Act is in question, the public increasingly thinks the law has had a positive impact on the country. Today, more Americans say the 2010 health care overhaul has had a mostly positive than mostly negative effect on the country (44% versus 35%). (PEW, 2017)
- In a separate survey in January, 60% said the government has a responsibility to provide health coverage for all, the highest share in nearly a decade. And about half [of lower income Republicans] (52%) say the government has a responsibility to ensure health care coverage. (PEW, 2017)
- Of six possible ways to address concerns with the Social Security system, large majorities of Americans favor two, both of which would affect only wealthy Americans: “requiring higher-income workers to pay Social Security taxes on ALL of their wages” and “limiting benefits for wealthy retirees.” (Gallup, 2010)
- CBS poll 2014: 73% of Americans believe that the benefits of Social Security are worth the costs of the program for taxpayers.
- PEW 2011: 60% of Americans say that preserving Social Security and Medicare benefits are more important than reducing the budget deficit.
- Solid majorities of liberals, conservatives, and independents alike say that social security is important and they are willing to pay more in taxes to sustain it.
- “Large majorities of Americans across demographic and partisan lines overwhelmingly reject congressional Republicans’ so-called ‘Welfare Reform;’ i.e. proposals to cut Medicaid, nutrition assistance, affordable housing, and other programs that help ensure basic living standards for low-income families. Overall, “opposition to all but one of these specific ideas ranges from 60 to 80 percent of voters.” (CAP/GBA Strategies, Feb 2018)